Fortinet vpn client configuration
Fortinet vpn client configuration

fortinet vpn client configuration fortinet vpn client configuration

In a dialup-client configuration, the FortiGate dialup server does not rely on a Phase 1 remote gateway address to establish an IPsec VPN connection with dialup clients. The FortiGate dialup client typically obtains a dynamic IP address from an ISP through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) before initiating a connection to a FortiGate dialup server.Į xa m p l e FortiGate dialup-client configuration Configure the server to accept FortiGate dialup-client connectionsĪ dialup client can be a FortiGate unit.FortiGate dialup-client configuration steps.The following topics are included in this section: Configuration overview.In a FortiGate dialup-client configuration, a FortiGate unit with a static IP address acts as a dialup server and a FortiGate unit having a dynamic IP address initiates a VPN tunnel with the FortiGate dialup server. This section explains how to set up a FortiGate dialup-client IPsec VPN. Fo r ti G a t e dialup-client configurations

Fortinet vpn client configuration