How to make a pie chart in excel powerview
How to make a pie chart in excel powerview

how to make a pie chart in excel powerview

In your second row or column, enter the value for each category. If your categories are numbers, leave the first cell in that column or row blank so Excel can determine which axis contains the category names and which contains the values. To create the pieces of your pie chart, you can enter the categories into one row or column, with a single value in each cell.

how to make a pie chart in excel powerview

In Excel, a cell is a square where you can enter numerical or descriptive information. Pie chart data typically comes from one data set in Excel, where the value in a cell determines the size or name of each piece of the pie. Here are four steps you can take to create and customize a pie chart using Microsoft Excel: 1.

how to make a pie chart in excel powerview

Related: Graphs: Definitions, Uses and How To Explain Them How to make a pie chart in Excel The results of customer or employee surveys The time a sales lead spends in each section of the sales funnel The percentage of sales by different products in your portfolio The lead count of different age groups in your target audience The distribution of labor for a project among team members Pie charts might represent a range of values for a company or team, including: You can save the pie chart as an image file and import it into reports, presentation slides, employee handbooks and many other products. Related: Types of Graphs and Charts Uses for Excel pie chartsĮxcel's pie chart function allows you to create a diagram using the information you've added to a spreadsheet. In this article, we explore why you might use a pie chart and how to create one in Excel. Using a pie chart in a presentation or report can engage your audience and provide them with a visual context for data. Microsoft Excel is a software that many professionals use to create pie charts to communicate information to colleagues or clients. Pie charts show the relationship between components of a whole by representing categories of data as wedges of a circle.

How to make a pie chart in excel powerview